01642 781104

Mothers Day Hand-Tied Bouquet


Say something special, to your special mum

Let our artisan florists create something stunning, unique and memorable. We guarantee the recipient will get that rush of excitement when they receive your stunning gift. The freshest stems, handpicked with love, plus a sprinkling of artisan creativity is our tried and test recipe for love:-) Just Choose Your ‘Theme Colour’, Select You Budget & Place Your Order and we’ll do the rest. Happy Mother’s Day. If you have any special requests please use the ‘Please add any special instructions here’ box at Checkout to let us know. We can’t guarantee, but we will do our best to accomodate your wishes.

SKU: N/A Category:

Our Secure On-line Ordering Process

  • Diana Kaye Florist uses PayPal to securely process your payment. You do not need a PayPal account and can use most debit/credit cards. 

Say something special, to your special mum

Let our artisan florists create something stunning, unique and memorable. We guarantee the recipient will get that rush of excitement when they receive your stunning gift. The freshest stems, handpicked with love, plus a sprinkling of artisan creativity is our tried and test recipe for love:-) Just Choose Your ‘Theme Colour’, Select You Budget & Place Your Order and we'll do the rest. Happy Mother's Day. If you have any special requests please use the 'Please add any special instructions here' box at Checkout to let us know. We can't guarantee, but we will do our best to accomodate your wishes.

Additional information

Colour Theme

Pretty in Pink, Pastel Pleasure, Country Living, Vibrant Spring, Classic White


£50, £60, £70, £80, £100