01642 781104

Romantic Dozen Rose Bouquet


The perfect Valentine’s gift for special loved one in your life. Hand crafted by local Artisan Florists.

About our Valentine’s Day roses
Due to prevailing market conditions we have had to take the extraordinary step and offer our customers 2 grades of rose stems. We are trying to cater for all budgets. Please choose either Class 1 or Class 2 Stems.

Flower Card Message

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Options Price£0.00
Product Price£110.00
SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Our Secure On-line Ordering Process

  • Diana Kaye Florist uses PayPal to securely process your payment. You do not need a PayPal account and can use most debit/credit cards. 

The perfect Valentine's gift for special loved one in your life.

About our Valentine’s Day roses
Due to prevailing market conditions we have had to take the extraordinary step and offer our customers 2 grades of rose stems. We are trying to cater for all budgets. Please choose either Class 1 or Class 2 Stems.

Additional information

Flower Stem Grade

Naomi, Freedom


Red, White, Yellow, Pink, Mixed