01642 781104

Sunshine Bouquet


Featuring a beautiful selection of sunshine yellows including sunflowers, green chrysanthemums, yellow roses, yellow gerberas and foliage, all designed for a modern day style.

Arranged by our team of professional florists using the freshest stems and delivered by hand. A personal card message accompanies your gift.

SKU: N/A Category:

Our Secure On-line Ordering Process

  • Diana Kaye Florist uses PayPal to securely process your payment. You do not need a PayPal account and can use most debit/credit cards. 

Local and National same day and next day delivery available in UK (subject to availability).

  • Same day Local delivery - order before 3pm;
  • Same day National delivery - please contact the shop before placing your order on 01642 781104 to discuss your requirements (before 3pm).

Sunday delivery also available locally - please notify us before 5pm on Saturday.

Additional information


Standard, Large, Extra Large